Do You Need to Get Fitted For Golf Clubs?

Do You Need to Get Fitted For Golf Clubs?

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Many amateur golfers with varying ability levels hinder the development of their golf game because they believe that they need to be better to receive a professional custom golf club fitting. They claim that when their golf game begins to improve, they’ll seek out an expert fitting however, it’s not worth it at the moment.

Is Club Fitting Worth it For Beginners?

Golf club fitting can be more advantageous for beginner golfers than for more advanced golfers. Golf club fitting will allow you to get the clubs correctly tuned to your body and mechanics. Learning to play golf with inadequately fitted equipment can be the biggest obstacle to improving your game and enjoyment. There is no level to achieve before getting a custom fit. Using the incorrect clubs for you could negatively influence your swing and can cause you to make negative habits. Think of it as learning to ride a bicycle; would you try to learn on a bike that is too small or too big? No, it would be best to learn on a bicycle that fits and is the right size; the more you can learn to ride it, the more you are likely to continue riding (or playing!).

Early golfers must use the correct equipment because we create our swings based on the equipment we play with without being conscious of what we are doing it. For instance, John Daly started out with his dad’s heavy golf clubs, and one reason his backswing became long was that he didn’t have the strength to strike his clubs.

Evidently, it worked eventually for Daly and his family, but the story will show how your swing is significantly dependent on the clubs you choose to use when you begin to learn. If a club is short or long, it could be too heavy or light, and your lie angle could be incorrect, the club has a flawed layout, or the other elements need to be corrected, it could set yourself in a position to fail.

The game-improvement irons to the left side will be more accommodating and fun for those new over-the-irons with blades to the right.

If people have a poor first experience with golf, they are less likely to continue and be discouraged from the game before they start. This could be due to clubs that need to be designed for their swing. Since we’re already learning about golf. Have you ever wondered why golf balls have dimples or when was golf invented?

What Is the Best Method to Get the Right Clubs and Enhance the Golf Game?

Before taking lessons or changing your swing, you should consult a professional fitting expert or a local expert to assess your current clubs and swing. With that expert, check that the clubs you own are suitable to you or are, at a minimum, in the right place for your wheelhouse. If they need to be corrected, get a club builder to modify or substitute your clubs with a different set of clubs.

When you receive that golf consultation, pay attention to what the instructor has to say and note down everything he says. For those who are just beginning, the expert will recommend more loft for your driver, lighter shafts with less flexibility, and more flexible irons. If, for instance, you’re a beginner golfer and use blade irons with stiff steel shafts that are long and hefty, there are likely better choices for you. If your swing improves dramatically through the guidance of an experienced coach, you’ll still be fighting an uphill fight.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that you can purchase the most recent and best equipment to ensure it’s suitable for you. There’s no need to spend $3000 for shiny new clubs, and you don’t have to purchase an entire set.

When golfers are just beginning to learn to start by using a couple of clubs that will fit. For instance, you could start with a sand wedge, a pitching wedge, a 7-iron, and a driver. This will give you some suitable tools to start learning.

When you have the first few clubs or a set right in the wheelhouse for your ability level and physical size as well as your budget, you’ll be able to improve your swing by working with a professional instructor. Spend the money you saved by buying second-hand equipment to pay for lessons with a professional instructor.

After I Have Had My Clubs Fitted?

Your experiences will initially impact how much you enjoy the sport. You must consult with an experienced club fitter at the earliest time you realize you’ll be playing the game. After that, conduct your research. Find a great instructor. Remember that one great lesson can be worth five bad lessons over the long haul.

Additionally, communication will be a major factor once you’ve found the right teacher. Discuss with your instructor regarding your equipment. Explain to the instructor the equipment you own and that you plan to get a complete fitting for your club shortly. Get your club fitter in contact with your swing instructor to develop an extensive plan.

Your swing patterns will change throughout several lessons. The angle you strike may change, the way you’re release from the club may change as well, and you’ll (hopefully) increase speed and strength as well. If those improvements show signs of progress and your game progresses beyond your initial set of clubs, then you’re in the right place for a complete bag fitting, and you’ll be able to invest funds into purchasing new clubs.

Can The Average Golfer Benefit From The Custom Fitting Process?

The average and intermediate golfer will benefit greatly from a golf club fitting. The clubs will be adapted and tailored to the player’s playing style, golf swing, and biomechanics. The average and intermediate golfers will most likely need to get fitted for clubs because they are still working on their swing and game.

A fitted golf club can lead to more consistent swings and better performance. When you get a golf club fitting done, you will be measured for your height, weight, and grip size. You will then be able to have the clubs adapted for your body type and your ability level. You will also be able to have the club adjusted for your swing type. This is one of the most important things that you can have done when you are shopping for new golf clubs.

The next thing that you need to do when you are looking for the best golf clubs is to make sure that you try them out before you buy them. You want to ensure that they fit your body and feel good in your hands. You also want to make sure that they are adjustable so that you can change the loft and lie angle if needed.

Once you have found a set of golf clubs that fit your body, your ability level, and your swing type, it is time to start playing with them. Play with them on the course and see how they feel. If they feel good, you know they are the right golf clubs for you.

Should Advanced Golfers Get Custom Fit?

If you consider yourself an advanced golfer and still need to get a custom fitted selection of clubs made for you then you should. You will find it adds benefits across your game and allows you to further improve, gain extra yards, and drop extra shots.

Do You Need To Get Fitted For All Golf Clubs?

No. You can get custom fit for all your clubs; this is advised, but if you are on a restrictive budget or not sure whether you would like to commit, you can get a certain type of club fitted and see how it goes. In the beginning, you could get a few key clubs such as your sand wedge, 7 iron, and driver fitted and then expand your set as you go from there. You can then, later on, continue with the rest of your bag as you see the difference that particular club or type of club is making to your game.

Does Golf Club FItting Make a Difference?

Yes, you will be able to see this during your fitting session; as the head is adjusted, the club shaft is changed for the perfect one for you. You will see the stats on the screen as you adjust the club face and get used to hitting the ball with your new equipment. The benefits of club fitting and whether golf club fitting makes a difference to your game will be apparent early on. You should not find that the club fitter is pushing a particular brand or model, as this choice will totally depend on your style and needs. Getting golf clubs custom made is exactly that, custom created for you, not for everyone else or the model that has the highest markup in the shop.

Why Golf Club Fitting is Important? 

Getting fitted for your golf clubs will give you many benefits that you have not realized prior, you will be able to likely improve your consistency, distance, and swing, all of which will add up and help your game overall.

Whether you are new to the game or a seasoned professional, golf club fitting will help your game and improve your round. Clubs that fit correctly will help you strike the ball and improve the ball flight and your enjoyment of the game.

Suggestions To Get Ready For Golf

In the end, here are the suggested steps you can take to get yourself ready to enjoy great golf and have fun for a lifetime:

  1. Request a club consultation with an experienced professional such as SwingFit.
  2. Make the appropriate adjustments to your existing set or invest in a new custom fitted set (between 1-14 clubs).
  3. Find out about instructors in your local region and select one to build a relationship with.
  4. Discuss with your instructor the use of the equipment you have.
  5. You must work hard to improve your swing.
  6. If your finances and game are in order, you can get the full bag to fit your needs and purchase the best clubs.
  7. Continue to play and love the game of golf.

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